You have spent years building other companies (OTA’s) websites.


Greater profitability:
OTAs like charge hefty commissions on each booking, often 15-30% or more. By promoting your direct booking page, you cut out these middlemen and keep all the revenue for yourself. This can significantly boost your profit margins and allow you to offer more competitive rates or invest in improving your property.

Enhanced guest relationships: Booking directly through your website gives you control over the entire guest experience, from initial inquiry to post-stay follow-up. This allows you to build stronger relationships with your guests, gather valuable data about their preferences, and personalize their stay. OTAs limit your interaction with guests, making it harder to build brand loyalty and repeat business.

Increased control and flexibility: When you rely on OTAs, your online presence is largely dictated by their platform and algorithms. They control your page layout, pricing strategy, and promotional opportunities. Promoting your direct booking page gives you back the reins. You can tailor your website to showcase your unique selling points, offer exclusive deals and packages, and run targeted marketing campaigns to attract your ideal guests.

Revolutionizing the Hotel Booking Industry: The BookDirectApp ModelBookDirectApp is disrupting the traditional hotel booking landscape with an innovative approach that benefits both hoteliers and guests. Unlike conventional online travel agencies (OTAs) that charge hefty commissions, our platform operates on a fundamentally different principle – collective strength through unity.

The Problem with Traditional OTAs

For years, hoteliers have been caught in a challenging cycle:

  • OTAs dominate search engine results, making it difficult for individual hotels to gain visibility
  • The cost of competing with OTAs for online visibility often outweighs the potential returns
  • This leads hotels to reluctantly accept OTA partnerships and their high commission rates
  • Guests end up paying more, while hotels earn less per booking

The BookDirectApp Solution

Our model flips this dynamic on its head:

  1. Unified Platform: We bring hotels together on a single, powerful platform.
  2. Collective SEO Power: By pooling resources and leveraging the combined strength of numerous hotels, we achieve higher search engine rankings collectively.
  3. Zero Commissions: Hotels keep 100% of their booking revenue – no hidden fees or charges.
  4. Direct Bookings: Guests book directly with hotels, fostering better communication and service.
  5. Cost-Effective Marketing: Hotels gain online visibility without the exorbitant costs of individual marketing campaigns.

How We Make It Work

You might wonder how we sustain this model without charging commissions. The answer lies in our innovative approach:

  • Subscription Model: Hotels pay a flat, affordable subscription fee to be part of the platform.
  • Volume-Based Success: Our success depends on attracting a large number of hotels, not on taking a cut of their earnings.
  • Shared Benefits: As more hotels join, our collective SEO power grows, benefiting all members.
  • Value-Added Services: We offer optional services to help hotels optimize their operations and increase revenue.

The Win-Win Outcome

  • For Hotels: Higher visibility, more direct bookings, and increased revenue without commission fees.
  • For Guests: Lower prices, direct communication with hotels, and a wider range of options.
  • For the Industry: A more equitable and sustainable booking ecosystem.

By challenging the status quo, BookDirectApp is creating a more balanced and fair hotel booking landscape. We’re not just another booking platform – we’re a movement towards a more equitable hospitality industry where hotels and guests both win.Join us in reshaping the future of hotel bookings – where collective power trumps individual struggle, and where direct connections lead to better experiences for everyone involved.